Friday, December 4, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Darin and I have never wanted a Christmas tree, in fact, we usually travel every Christmas, so we haven't ever decorated for the holidays at all.  Everyone said that would change as soon as we had kids.  Well, we have a kid, and it hasn't changed . So, I'm wondering if they literally meant kids (emphasis on the S).  I guess we'll see.
However, Kai is a huge fan of trees, and so we decided to take him to "Festival of the Trees", so that he could get his fill of Christmas decorations.  He had a great time...

We went with his friend Leila, she kept trying to sneak under the super secure barricade (as pictured above) between the aisle and the trees. 
We had a great time checking out literally hundereds of decorated trees, gingerbread houses, quilts, and other Holiday decorations, but Kai's favorite part was watching all of the other little kids running around, he could watch kids for hours and be perfectly content.  Maybe we should just buy him a daycare for Christmas...Hmmm


TiAnn said...

How fun, Kai is so stinkin' cute! And bummer that you were pukin' during thanksgiving, that kind of goes against the laws of the universe... Hope the rest of your Holidays are better!

Dan and Anne said...

Kai wants to rip those trees up... I just know it! I hope you guys have fun in CA!

Tyler said...

That looks like fun! and kai looks cute as ever! sure missed you guys over thanksgiving!

The M's said...

Enjoy him just looking at the kids for now....very soon he will want to chase them and you will be chasing him :)

Erik & Marcie +3 said...

Fun! K, so I'm totally not feeling the tree and Christmas decor this year. Maybe it's the fact that I have a 1 year old and 2 year old who will tear everything down right after it goes up. So I think I disagree with the whole sentiment of "you'll change when you have kids." lol

stephanie from texas said...

merry christmas!!
send me your address please

he is yummy!!

Onjali P. said...

Christmas trees are a little over rated. Evee has decorated and undecorated ours about 10 times.

Lisa said...

Hey! Could you email your address so I can send you a Christmas letter? Thanks,