Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving...or NOT

I wasn't sure what to name this post, since It wasn't quite Thanksgiving...

Tuesday night I went out to dinner with my friend from graduate school, and I ordered a pulled pork sandwich, I didn't realize that it tasted a little funny, until I had eaten half of it. The next morning about 3 am I woke up with a terrible stomach ache, chills, a fever and major aching all over my body...I seriously wanted to die. Around 10 am I started throwing up, and didn't leave the bathroom floor until 3pm (I threw up 6-8 times during that time period). Darin took Kai to daycare, and then around 4 he came home and took me to the doctor. The doctor said it was definitely food poisoning, and that I couldn't eat anything for the next 48 hours...NO FOOD over Thanksgiving, it was awful! Poor Darin didn't eat any Thanksgiving either...just stayed home with Kai and I. It was the sickest I ever remember being in my whole life, I kept telling Darin that I would miss him and Kai, but I really wanted to die. :)
Then yesterday, I had to go into work for a couple of hours, and so I brought Kai with me and he started acting really funny (moaning, trembling, crying) and he was really hot. We took his temperature and it was 103, so we took him to the doctor. The doctor wasn't sure what is wrong with him, so we have just been holding him nonstop and giving him tylenol to help with the fever...he is so miserable. I can't remember a week filled with so much sickness. YUCK!

However, we have had more family time than usual, so we have spent a lot of time reflecting on all the things we are thankful for.  Our combined list is pretty long, but I feel particularly thankful for such a great partner to raise our amazing little boy with. I never imagined how much I would love having a little family of my own, but nothing has every brought me so much joy.  I am truly thankful.

This is a picture of the dinner Darin made around 9pm on Thanksgiving.  We found a package of "instant potatoes" and a gravy mix that he whipped up like a world class Sous Chef.


Tyler said...

I hate t say I told you so...But i told you so.... You might be wondering what I am talkign about, but the main reason you got sick was because you weren't with me for thanksgiving. Also Darin as usual has gone aboe and beyond hte expectation. you are the man! I couldn't ask for a better husband for mindy! Tell little K I said hello!

Rochelle said...

I am glad you have sun and beaches in your very near definitely deserve an amazing Christmas vacation after suffering through Thanksgiving. Glad you are all feeling better...we sure missed you guys!

Erik & Marcie +3 said...

Oh man, how awful!!! Glad you're feeling better. Yuck!!