Friday, January 30, 2009

Just like his Dad...

Today we went to the doctor for our third ultrasound...I have always been a little freaked out by 3D ultrasound pictures, because sometimes the babies look so smooshed and non-human. I was in the process of telling the ultrasound doctor that I wasn't a big fan of 3D pictures when BAM...up on the screen is my baby in 3D. She told us that his little nose was pushed right up against my belly, so he looked like a little kid pushing their nose up against a glass window. She assured us his nose would look less smooshed and spread out when he arrives. :)
We had so much fun watching him on the screen, and it was so fun to see the little guy that is constantly kicking and moving all around. I can't believe we only have 10 weeks until he gets here!
Tonight while I was looking at his 3D pictures, I opened my wallet to get something out, and a picture of Darin when he was a toddler fell out of my wallet. I held the picture right up to our babies, and couldn't believe how much his features already resemble his Dad. Even Darin was amazed at how similar their lips and noses are. So, now you get to compare the two. :)


Dan and Anne said...

wow! He does look alot like D! Just a few more months and he will be here!!!

5 Brothers Farms said...

Holy smokes! How amazing is that?!:) D was such a handsome little dude!! No doubt this little guy will be complete perfection!:)

Shady Bradys said...

How fun to be able to see your little unborn baby boy in 3-D! That's really exciting!

The Wi Family said...

We never had one of those done--but WOW that's amazing! He's already a good looking little guy! Thanks so much for the comments and email sorry it took so long to get back to you! I'll sit down and write you a long email one of these days. Hope you're feeling well!

TiAnn said...

There's definitely a strong resemblance there! How exciting, you're getting so close, and I'm sure you can hardly wait to meet the little guy!

Anie said...

SO FUN!!! I remember when we got Madi's 3D ultrasound pictures! I was freaking out that she was going to have a HUGE nose! Don't worry, it came out cute as a button! I'm SO excited for you! Being a mom is the best thing ever!