Thursday, January 1, 2009

24 WEEKS...

Several people have asked me to put up pictures of me and the little guy thus far...he's the one in my stomach, or as my 5 year old niece Briana pointed out when I told her I had a baby in my stomach: "Mindy, you're not supposed to eat the baby you silly goose". Glad we got that out of the way. :)

Darin and I were in Florida for Christmas and New Years, so since my sister in law Ongali (who is also having a boy just a couple weeks after me) was there, I decided to get a little snapshot of the two cousins and their mom's. We were on our way down to the hot I miss that 80 degree weather!


Shady Bradys said...

Oh my gosh! You're over half way through and you look fabulous!!! Way to go!

5 Brothers Farms said...

Mindy Sue! You are such a pretty little prego mommy!! You really do look great...Can't wait to meet the little guy!

The Wi Family said...

You look awesome!!!