We started off in London, and although Kai and I had terrible jet lag, the scenary could not have been more "lovely" as the British would say.
This photo was taken right outside our hotel room, and is one of the many entry ways to Hyde Park.
British food was fun to eat, and even more fun to order...
My first meal "Bangers and Mash"
The Millenium Bridge
I was quite surprised to see how well they had reconstructed it since everyone knows that the "Deatheaters" totally demolished it in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince...

View of Bath from the train station.
Stonehenge is about an hour away from Bath, so we joined a small little tour company for a few hours and visited this historical place. It was really fascinating to learn about how these stones were carried without any modern technology hundreds of miles and then stacked on top of eachother...thousands of years ago.

Our Hotel was a couple of miles outside of Bath on a hillside over looking the most most beautiful farming area. The Hotel itself was a stable for animals more than 400 years ago, it continued to be added to and remodeled until it now resembles a small castle. It was a very authentic way to spend a night in the England Countryside
This is the view from our window.
Back at the Train Station...Paris, here we come!
Parisian Streets

The first day we were in Paris, we walked around the city for hours. There literally were not enough hours in the day to see everything in Paris. Walking along the Seine River was beautiful...

The London Bridge
We walked along the South Bank of the River Thames for hours and hours. There were street performers everywhere doing amazing things. This sidewalk "chalk mural" was one of the most impressive.
We spent part of each day wandering through Hyde Park, and Kai even made some friends on the play ground. I'm not sure if it was the accents or what, but British children seemed so much smarter than American children???
Speakers Corner (in Hyde Park) was definitely one of the highlights of the trip (absolutely Darin's favorite part). Every Sunday rain or shine the corner turns into an "open microphone session" of sorts. People from all over the UK (and the world) show up in the corner with milk crates, soap boxes, chairs etc. and stand on them in order to be seen and heard as they share there thoughts on anything and everything with anyone willing to listen. The beauty of it is that everyone listening is welcome to talk back to the various speakers. Most of the people were talking about politics and religion, so it was really, really entertaining.
We took a paddle boat out to the Princess Diana Memorial, and had to rest several times on the journey...either paddle boats are A LOT of hard work, or we are just seriously out of shape.
Shopping in Piccadilly Circus
I was in love with telephone booths...they really were THAT charming.
One of the best things about London is that most of the attractions are Free to visit. We spent a few hours in the British Museum which was absolutely amazing. Even Kai loved it.
Kings Cross Station was everything I dreamed it would be and more...how could we not visit platform 9 3/4's right before the opening semester of Hogwarts was about to begin???
Leaving London was hard to do, but the fact that we were leaving on a train headed to a small town in Western England made it a little easier. This is the train station we got off in to get to Bath. It felt like we were in a movie.
More Bath...
Welcome to Lacock...oh Harry Potter filming sites, how I love you!
This is the oldest standing village in all of England, incidentally it also happens to be the place that they filmed Harry learning to fly in Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. Also, Lacock village is one of the places they filmed Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. The village itself was built in the 1200's.
Parlez Vouse English???
Catherdral Notre Dame
And of course, Miseur Eiffel
From the top
From the Bottom
There are statues all over Paris, it was like walking through an outdoor museum.

Kai made friends with the most talented soccer player I have ever seen. He taught Kai all of his tricks, and Kai hasn't stopped talking about playing in the next World Cup since.
Crepes! Crepes! Crepes!
Even if I didn't buy a pastry, I still made us stop at every single Patisserie just to check out the scene.

Arch De Triomphe

The Louvre

Our favorite Parisian area was the Mont Marte district. Artists, crepes, and street performers by the dozens.
Kai had his portrat drawn by a local street artist.
the MOULIN ROUGE...we only saw it from the outside.
I'm not going to lie, I spent a good majority of my time in Paris eating...it didn't help that our hotel had an all you can eat breakfast spread, which was NOTHING like American Breakfast...can you say "Chocolate Croissants, Baguettes and Nutella, Fresh Fruit, Waffles, Eggs, deli meats, and delicious cheeses", it was amazing. Not to mention every night we ate delicious cheeses, meats and breads. Our last night in Paris we went to a grocery story and bought our own picnic food. We walked to Luxemborg gardens and had the most delightful picnic you could ever imagine.
Oh European vacation...how I miss you. If we could find jobs in London...I'd be on a plane tomorrow.
Such beautiful pictures. And kai is growing so quickly! Looks liek you had an amazing time! thanks for posting, I can't even imagine how long it took to put that together!
It makes me so sad to think that you went to all those cool places and didn't even offer to take me!!!! I have a correction for you... English kids are smarter than "most" american kids, Kai is smarter than all English kids. Right? Beautiful photography skills. When is OUR next trip?
Yea! I've been waiting for this post for a long time. So happy to see all your photos and what you saw and did.
Yay...pictures!!! This looks amazing!! Seriously. I am planning right now how I could possibly pawn off my 3 kids to someone, come up with the 2 weeks off of work for Trev, and jump on a plane and follow your exact itinerary! Looks fabulous Mindy! You need to make a photobook for all these amazing memories! What a trip!
A-mazing! Screw all this family reunion nonsense, we all need to go to England:)
I need to go to these blogs more often. The best thing I liked about your vacation pictures was seeing Kai in them. Darin and Mindy pictures were okay too. (smile)
Grandpa Pettingill
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