Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day Fun

WHAT A DAY! We started out the holiday by meeting up with our friends Maggie, Sina and Leila so Darin and Sina could play tennis while Kai and Leila had fun on the swings (Kai's first time swinging), I'm pretty sure Kai loved it...well atleast sucking on his hand. :)

After Tennis, we met up with Darin's brother's family for some swimming at the Bountiful pool. Brianna and Garrett were so cute, they were like little fish swimming around. Kai loved watching all the other kids...his new favorite past time.

Kai was so wiped out by the time we went to dinner, he slept right through it...his BEST LABOR DAY EVER!


Rochelle said...

How fun! He is changing so much. I love that first picture of Kai in the swing. He is so adorable!

Dan and Anne said...

Kai looks so cute in his swing! On a side note, Kai and I were having our late night chat we do the other night and he said something about wanting to come back and visit his cousin in Connecticut but his mommy wouldn't buy him a plane ticket... what do you have to say for that mommy?

TiAnn said...

Kai is adorable, seriously. I love how you always know what he's thinking. :)

Tyler said...

Mini D looks amazing in his swing. By the way, he called me last week and he is frusturated hat you are still callin ghim bubby....he prefers Mini D, I think the least we can do is respect what he would prefer to be called!