I knew about Kai's secret obsession with his thumb long before he actually figured out how to get it in his mouth...he has been attempting this feat since day 1, as evidenced by him constantly shoving his entire fist into his mouth and occassionally punching himself in the nose. A few weeks ago he was able to master the thumb alone, and spends a majority of his days (and nights) indulging in this new found vice. Darin isn't sure how he feels about Kai's new habit, as he doesn't want to pay Kai's dental bills when his teeth are all messed up, but I on the other hand LOVE it...he puts himself back to sleep at night, so his mom is spending less time helping him get back to sleep, and check out these pictures...what a cutie!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Park City weekend get-away
Last weekend Darin took Kai and I to see the Utah Symphony at Deer Valley (out door amphitheatre neer Park City). It was amazing! He also got us a two night stay at this great hotel in Park City, so we had ourselves a little weekend get-away. We had so much fun wandering the streets of Park City, eating at delicious restaraunts, shopping at the farmers market (we bought all sorts of yummy fruit), playing games in the hotel room and sight-seeing. It's great to have a little resort town 20 minutes away from our house...I wish we took advantage of it more often!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
My sister in-law was visiting from California several weeks ago, and she had the cutest blanket for her little son, I asked where I could get the same one, and she told me that her sister had made it, but fortunatetly she new where I could get the material...I laughed a little at this thought (making the blanket myself), but then Darin and I were at Ikea a couple weeks ago, and I saw the fabric. I purchased a few yards, and Darin put together the sewing machine my mom gave me when I graduated with my bachelors degree (he literally set up all the thread and everything), and I was on my way to a "copy-cat" blanket. Here are the precious fruits of my labor. :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009
A few weeks ago, we took Kai to his first Political Rally...We marched from the City and County Building to the State Capital in support of Iranian Democracy, and "RECOUNTING" the vote. He was one of 4 babies in 150 people, so we considered it a success!! It was chilly outside, so he wore his only jacket for the first time...this jacket has a story, neither Darin or I love dousing babies in pink or blue when they are born, so we were pretty adamant about greens, browns, oranges and other non-blue colors, but my Mom and I were shopping last Christmas in Florida and found this jacket for $1.00, and we decided to get it as a back up item (just in case we needed a jacket in the 100 degree Utah summer), good thing we got it...it rained the whole morning.
Kai's absolute favorite sleeping position...however, he only gets to sleep like this during nap time, I swaddle him at night otherwise he flails his arms all night long. :)
For those of you that don't know, Kai has been in physical therapy every week for Torticolis (one side of his neck is not as strong as the other...so he is learning how to strengthen it). One of his favorite physical therapy exercises is TUMMY TIME on the boppy. HE LOVES IT!!
Kai goes to daycare 3 days a week at my work (which I affectionately refer to as his "school"), so on the days it's just him and I at home we go to story time at the library, yoga for "mommy and me" and take lots and lots of walks...he loves to sit in the baby bjourne for our walks (not really, he just goes straight to sleep).

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